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- Lesson 5 Overview
Human Papillomavirus Infection - 0%Topic 1
IntroductionActivities- 0%Topic 2
Epidemiology in the United StatesActivities- 0%Topic 3
Microbiology, Pathogenesis, and TransmissionActivities- 0%Topic 4
Clinical ManifestationsActivities- 0%Topic 5
Diagnosis and Screening TestsActivities- 0%Topic 6
Screening Recommendations for HPV-Related CancersActivities- 0%Topic 7
Treatment of Anogenital WartsActivities- 0%Topic 8
Prevention of HPV InfectionActivities- 0%Topic 9
Counseling and EducationTopic 2. Epidemiology in the United States
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Quick ReferenceFunded byCenters for Disease Control and Prevention Cooperative Agreement (CDC-RFA-PS20-2004)Created at University of WashingtonPart of IDEA PlatformCME provided byUniversity of Alabama BirminghamCNE provided byUniversity of Washington School of NursingCopyright © 2025 National STD CurriculumSince you've received 80% or better on this quiz, you may claim continuing education credit.
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Current Version: nstdc-master-1b1067ed-2025-03-05-223932 - 0%Topic 2