National STD Curriculum Overview
At this time, the National STD Curriculum is comprised of the STD Modules, the STD Question Bank, a Bibliography, and a Search function.
STD Modules
The STD Modules include seven web-based educational activities, each focusing on a specific STD topic. Each module is considered to be an individual course, and the learner can choose the number of modules. These STD modules are based on several prior versions of the curriculum developed by the National Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers using the 2002, 2006, and 2010 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines. Content on the National STD Curriculum related to the STD Modules has been updated to include treatment and management recommendations from the 2015 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines.
The STD Modules are available in two views: Self-Study and Content.
- The Self-Study view of these modules is designed to track learning progress and obtain CE credits.
- The Content View is designed for quick access to content within the modules
Free Continuing Education (CE) in the form of CNE and CME is currently available through the Self-Study STD Modules.
STD Question Bank
The STD Question Bank features interactive board-review style questions that emphasize key points in the 2015 STD Treatment Guidelines.
CE will soon be available for the STD Question Bank.
Lists all references, by section or alphabetically, that are used throughout the course.
The search function can be used to quickly find definitions to common glossary terms, locate sections of the Self-Study modules, and find other information.