A 31-year-old woman is seen in a sexual health clinic for evaluation of a white vaginal discharge and recent pain when having vaginal intercourse. She has a male sex partner. She has been taking oral contraceptive pills and does not use condoms.
Which one of the following is considered a major diagnostic indicator of cervicitis?

Figure 1. Mucopurulent Endocervical Exudate in Woman with Cervicitis
This illustration shows the cervix as observed during a speculum examination. Note the purulent discharge from the cervical os; this finding is diagnostic for cervicitis.
Illustration by Jared Travnicek, Cognition Studio

Figure 2. Friable Cervicitis with Induced Bleeding in Woman with Cervicitis
This illustration shows the cervix as observed during a speculum examination. Note the friable cervix on left, with endocervical bleeding induced by gentle passage of a cotton swab through the cervical os.
Illustration by Jared Travnicek, Cognition Studio
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Question Last Updated
February 4th, 2025
February 4th, 2025
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